Welcome to Applogic Consulting



APPLOGIC brings a team of experienced Pega experts to further the training and certification process. Each team member has first-hand knowledge of the challenges associated with the entire Pega ecosystem. The Pega training team at APPLOGIC brings up-to-date skills, certifications, and deep knowledge of Pega solutions. All this gets translated as better learning outcomes, and better assurance on high quality Pega services.


APPLOGIC Pega Certification focuses on two major aspects.

  • Enhancing each learner’s ability to participate in the design and construction of a Pega application
  • Providing a complete understanding of fundamental, essential skills needed for analyzing, designing, and creating business requirements and specifications in the Pega application


Broadly, the Pega course certification presents a wide coverage of creation of a new application, Case Management, Database in Pega, Data Management, Class Structure, Rule-Ruleset & Ruleset version, Decision Rules, and Declarative Rules.


Understandably, there are no prerequisites to join our Pega Certification program. However, minimum knowledge of web development, database or APIs, will be helpful.